The order management offers you complete control over all processes which are order and stock related, from order release, progress and quantity update all the way through to dispatch of goods - whether complete or partial deliveries.
Order release filter
Certain order types, shipment types, customer groups, destination countries, orders that exceed or fall below certain volumes, weights or a number of items or that contain certain articles or require special processing may be treated differently.
Shipment generation
For optimizing shipment and packaging costs, it is possible to consolidate single orders to shipments. The generation of routes is possible as well provided that criteria exist for this.
The activation strategy defines if and when an order is really processed. The availability of work stations and capacities as well as meeting deadlines and priorities (e.g. express orders) or sequences are decisive here.
Backorder management
The backorder management module is necessary, when the ERP-System or inventory management system transmits orders to KlinkWARE® without checking the availability of the goods.
Upon request, strategies are applied which do not only take into account the FIFO principle, but which also consider aspects like quantity optimization, low number of accesses, the avoidance of opening a pack or the equal utilization of resources.
Take advantage of various methods to run your warehouse efficiently. Which kind of device you use, whether automated storage/retrieval cranes, forklifts, RF-terminals, light or voice - that's of no importance.
K-point / I-point
The modules "Activation" and "Allocation" provide the K-point with orders which then are further processed and made available to the users or the conveyor system. The K-point represents the central starting point for an order in an order picking area.
The control of stock picking in Goods-To-Man systems is strongly geared to the degree of utilization and availability of devices and work stations in the conveyor system.
In Man-to-Goods systems the user has a great influence. Hemay work in an order-specific manner or create batches without having great aids at his disposal. This module supports the flexibility of human beings in a working area.
Pick-by-light, pick-by-voice, pick-by-vision, handheld RF
Using voice-over-IP devices, smart glasses or a handheld RF terminal the user can be guided through order picking by visual signals.
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