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Conveyor Connection Optimizes Processes in the Camping and Leisure Market

Nürnberg/Gollhofen (04/2016) - Following the successful realization and commissioning of the 1st expansion stage 2014, the Klinkhammer Group now was also contracted for the 2nd expansion stage by Frankana, one of the leading wholesalers for camping and leisure equipment. The expansion will be realized at the end of 2016 and will provide again an optimization of the processes by means of connecting intelligently the storage areas using conveyors.

Nürnberg/Gollhofen - Following the successful realization and commissioning of the 1st expansion stage 2014, the Klinkhammer Group now was also contracted for the 2nd expansion stage by Frankana, one of the leading wholesalers for camping and leisure equipment. The expansion will be realized at the end of 2016 and will provide again an optimization of the processes by means of connecting intelligently the storage areas using conveyors.

The product range of Frankana comprises more than 10,000 different articles. It incorporates batteries, gas cartridges and folding spades as well as awnings for caravans, camping toilets, tents and floor coverings. A great challenge at Frankana is not only the high variety of products regarding shape, material and size and allocation to different storage areas resulting thereof, but also the consolidation of the goods from the different areas. Currently mainly represented by forklift trucks, the six new incoming goods work stations, the modular shelving systems with totes, the automatic order consolidation buffer and the shipping department of the 2nd expansion stage are connected by means of conveyors. This is ensured by creating a conveyor technology connection across 3 floors. “This results in the further optimization of the material flow and in a higher throughput of goods”, explained Sebastian Lindlein, logistics manager at Frankana.“ In this way, we underline our objective to be leading not only in terms of assortment diversity and range selection, but also relating to product availability and delivery reliability. „The warehouse management software and order picking via pick-by-voice are expanded as well. Each conveyor section in the order picking area features buffer positions in incoming and outgoing direction to guarantee working without interruption at the order picking stations.

Data and facts on the system:

  • 0.5 km of conveyors
  • Automatic order consolidation buffer (ACB)
  • 21,000 container storage locations in the shelf storage system
  • 4,000 pallets in the pallet storage system
  • 330 long goods in the cantilever warehouse
  • 7 incoming goods stations

Background information about Frankana:
Structural changes in the caravan industry in the early 80s forced the company Knaus to close its main factories in Ochsenfurt and Marktbreit. Five former Knaus employees joined forces and founded Frankana. Specialist stores soon found out that here a competent and reliable partner is actively doing business.  This resulted in a permanently rising order volume. Together with our sister company Freiko, Frankana now belongs to the leading wholesalers in the camping and leisure equipment business. Initially, Frankana focused on the service and spare parts supply for caravans. Due to the constantly increasing demand more and more accessories have been added to the portfolio. Today, the product range comprises more than 10,000 different articles from camping guides to solar systems. Additionally, Frankana supports the retail trade by offering regularly technical and sales training in our training facility in Gollhofen. Beyond that, a qualified team of employees provides professional advice by phone in case of technical questions.


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